Shopaholic Runs in the Family.

Hi hi~

To dear reader(s) out there, I am currently in Indonesia; more like I’ve been here since last year. *dramatic eye roll*

Time passed by slowly and I am bored. I gained weight, I have pimples all over my face, I look like sh*t and feel like one as well. Though funnily enough, my digestive system has been doing a very good job being on time these days (which is a rare sight, I suffer from diarrhea every day).

So, without further ado, I will now write about what happened on the day I went shopping with my Yangti (grandma).

It was not like any other day. I woke up with a bright smile on my face because I can finally dress up and show it to the world. You see, I have been wearing my pjs with a full face make up while lounging around the room for weeks, so when I heard we’re going to go out, I greeted the day with a wide grin.

Fast forward, Yangti and I were shopping for my cousin’s camping necessities at this one store. After buying what was needed, we wanted to go to Gramedia (book shop) which is situated around 300 meters from the current store. As it is within a walking distance, we decided to walked there. Allya being the observant one, spotted a furniture store. Its huge, but is hidden from the public view. I nonchalantly mentioned it to Yangti. Neither that I know it was a huge mistake; at least from my point of view.

The women in my mother’s family love to decorate. Be it interior, landscape or even food; we do it all. Thus obviously, we entered the store. Yangti was greeted by this salesman and in a blink of an eye; I was left alone at the first floor. I found a few amazing furniture and decorations, but unfortunately, my mother didn’t agree with me. Bummer.

Imagine how amazing it is to have such a majestic dining table.

Both of my spirit animals. Be as fierce as a tiger and laze around like a lion.

WhatsApp Image 2018-10-14 at 12.27.01 AM

Gonna name them after my ex (pffft… like you have any, you single-since-born lady)

Therefore, left was the poor granddaughter window shopping alone, that is, until her grandmother ascended downstairs. Exaggerated, I know. Yangti was smiling, but not that good friendly loving smile. It was a sly one; she looks just like me when I want a new shoe or bag from my dad.

I glared at the poor innocent salesman who was just doing his job.

While squinting my eyes judging my grandma, she giggled. Yes! She was giggling like a school girl!

She told me she bought a wooden swing and two sets of benches and picnic tables. They’re made out of teak wood (kayu jati) for God sake! I don’t have to see the price tags to know they’re worth more than my college fees. Heck, I have not seen any price tag since the moment I enter the shop.

After telling me those impulse buys, she told me they’re under my name since she’s too old to buy one (in Indonesia, if you want to buy expensive furniture, you have to show your ID and license. Usually people above 65 years old are not allowed to buy it, unless they don’t want any warranty).

I was stunned. She asked for my ID and driving license while giggling, making her way to the cashier. At first, I hesitated to give her those two things, but then my mom popped into my mind. She’s an impulse buyer as well. I always shop with my mother to prevent her from buying not-so-worthy-and-not-needed things. Then, I remember… me. I am too an impulse buyer, but the things that I buy are mostly needed and cheap. My grandma on the other hand… shocked the heck out of me xD

Bla bla bla, the rest of the day was history. I am still in daze of what happened that day. Nevertheless, I can now use it as an excuse. I like to collect shoes but both my grandma and mom always complain about it, a lot. I can now use their shopaholic-ness against them. *evil smile*

If you think I’m a shopaholic, then you gotta meet Yangti. She’s way beyond my limit. While an RM 500 shoe is my limit; my grandmother loves to collect furniture made out of teak wood. I guess that’s the difference between an aristocrat and a peasant. I’m the peasant, obviously, a broke college student xD

That is all for today.


Yeay to Seremban!

Hi hi~

It’s been a while. I’m currently ‘menjalankan’ a faithful duty as a WAU FACTOR. Wau Factor is the name for SEA GAMES, KUALA LUMPUR 2017 volunteers. Am the head of volunteers in Sunway Putra Hotel and it’s hectic xD

Okay, back to the topic. Weeks ago, to be exact, on the 22nd of July, I went to Seremban to meet Pavi and her family. It was a bit nerve-wrecking for me, as it was my first time meeting her family. I feel like her boyfriend, fidgeting and all. Truthfully, there’s another reason why I’m nervous, but let’s keep that for later.

Arrived at KTM Seremban, went somewhere else; keeping it a secret from Pavi. After the trip to that ‘place’, I told Pavi to pick me up at CIMB behind AEON which is near her house. I kinda lied to her, about where I was going for several reasons. Although in the end, I told her about it xD

Pavi and her dad picked me up. Her dad kept speaking in Malayalam, which I don’t mind but it shocked me; the fact that I understand her dad xD We went to eat at this Chinese restaurant and wow! Dang it tasted so gooooood!!! Not sure about the ‘halal-ness’ but oh well xD Then, Pavi the ever so amazing driver (glad-that-I-did-not-die-because-I-will-haunt-her-if-I-did) drove us to her house and meet her kind family~

Only one word can describe that trip, FOOOOOOOOD!!!

That’s S 2.0 that Pavi’s dad is holding. He barked like I’m a murderer since second 1 until the end. -_-

After being attacked by her dog (whom I called S2.0) and talked to her family, Pavi and her dad brought me to this infamous cendol and ABC stall. Too bad the rojak was finished.

The taste tho! Wow! The price? Triple wow!

The infamous Haji Shariff ‘Green’ Cendol! ❤
The line may seem long, but the service was fast
The most delicious ABC evaaaa!!! Not to mention that it’s only RM3! That’s less than $1!

Le cendol pulutzzz~ I don’t like cendol, so yeah xD Pavi’s dad almost killed me by stuffing me with lots and lots of foood! Am soooo coming to Seremban again!


Of course, after all of those junks, fruits are a must!

We went back after Pavi’s dad bought those fruits and yeah, it was tiring.

When we were inside the KTM, on our way back to KL Sentral to meet my cousins dear. We thought that we can rest, but…


Literally a trip for me, though I was still crazy after that. Why? Because I stupidly went to Ampang. A story which will be disclosed in my next blog post.



P.S. Pavi’s currently-pregnant-security dog loves me thoo~

This dog is adorable! She’s preggy but calm ❤

Impromptu to Malacca

This happened last week, the day aunty (Mazlin’s mother) passed away. I don’t want people to misunderstand that we played and enjoyed around when our friend’s mother just passed away. We went there because aunty was buried there. After that, we went out to sight-see and eat. And no, Mazlin wasn’t there because she didn’t know that her mother passed away. That’s why we went sight-seeing and all.

Malacca, we went there at 12ish in the afternoon. There were two cars, AHA’s and Apiqy’s. I was in AHA’s car, with Zan while Aiza and Didiy are in Apiqy’s car. The drive there was fun, not much drama. I sat in the front seat, as usual, acting like a co-pilot to AHA. At first, I thought that it’ll be awkward. AHA and I………….. That’s an awkward combo, I mean, after what happened. Eehem. It was great tho, no awkwardness or so. I told them about how my life was, the drama that happened, bla bla bla.

In merely one hour-ish, we arrived at Mazlin’s hometown. We were greeted by her family, but then were informed that she’ll be back later that night. It was Sunday, so we can’t stay for long. We sent our condolences and visit the grave, before going back home.

Our plan was to go straight home, but Aiza’s grandmother asked us to have dinner with her. We were okay with the idea, free dinner. Aiza’s grandma asked us to go around Malacca first because she had to cook.

After a few place-deciding meetings, we decided to go to Jonker Walk. Pffft… AHA was supposed to lead the pack, but the girl got lost XD Alhamdulillah, in the end, we (AHA, Zan and I) arrived safely at Jonker Walk.

Above were before Jonker Walk. From our parking spot to Jonker walk. Lots and lots of amazing places to take photos at! ❤

It was a fun day out, stupid people acting here and there. It’s like high school all over again. It’s been a while since we met each other, but I guess a decade long bond is not easy to break. We took photos, shopped and discover around Jonker Street until 5ish. By then, we got a call from Aiza’s dad who is of course, mad. We weren’t allowed to go to her grandma’s house and so on. So we decided to have a dinner somewhere around there.

Sent this to Aiza’s dad, as a proof that she went out with girls as well. The car was packed because of several reasons xD


Many agreed on eating ikan bakar, so we went to the nearest one. It’s called “Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyung.” We passed by a lot of unique places. A place reminds me of Pres, “Kampung Portugis.” Hehehehehe

I took a photo to actually show you the traffic light countdown. Freaking long! Then I realize where I was, and took the second photo. Hahahaha xD

Again, we got lost even with the help of Waze and again, AHA was the lead xD

We arrived, chose our ‘makanan laut’ and voila~ the food was served. We ate like it was no one else business, but almost peed in our pants when we had to pay. It’s actually cheap, we got one huge ‘ikan bakar’ (I forgot the name), two huge ‘sotong’ which were cooked with two types of sauces, two jugs of fresh fruits juice, six plates of rice and a ‘sayur campur’ thingy; all of that for RM 120ish only. I mean, for that amount of food and also the view, it was worth it. Although, when you’re short on money; we’re screwed. Thankfully Zan, our hero for the day, brought his duit raya angpao. He paid them all first. Hahahahahahahaha xD

Look at the views (minus AHA, JK! Hahahaha)!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

The night was still young, but I have an early morning class the next day, which of course, was canceled (I thanked you a lot Sir Im and Sir Amar! If the both of you didn’t cancel your class, I would’ve skipped it xD). Thank God, there’s a Bluetooth feature in AHA’s car. Zan and I took it over; thankfully the three of us have the same taste in music. Well, I’m not sure about AHA, but Zan and I, we’re soulmates (dua2 jiwang nak mati). If people hear it, they’ll think that the three of us were just dumped or something, macam orang putus cinta! Over gila! Hahahahahaha xD


The reunion of the Props Team! The ever so dramatic team xD Can’t believe it was five years ago tho TT^TT

We stopped at Seremban’s R&R to pray and pee. Especially peeing, because AHA, Zan, Apiqy and I had to finish those two jugs of juice thanks to Aiza and Didiy. -_____-

Tricked my friends with that xD


Bla bla bla, we went back home and voila~ the best trip ever! More like the only trip ever with my friends which is over 100 kilometers in distance… Saaad…

Nevertheless, it was sad and gloomy day, but like what Mazlin said, “Don’t be too sad, life must go on.”

That is all~ Tata~

P.S. We went to see Mazlin again on Tuesday, alhamdulillah she was okay


Bogor’s ChinaTown

 Ok this is way overdue but oh well…

A few days (or weeks) before I went back to Malaysia, I went to Bogor’s Chinatown (idk its real name, I kept on calling it Chinatown) with my grandma, uncle and cousin.

That place is crowded. Definitely not a place for you to learn how to drive (D-2 and my instructor thinks that it’s a good idea for me to drive there. I aged 10 years!). People, cars, trucks, motorcycles and bicycles all in one tiny little space (the Chinatown is near Kebun Raya Bogor and Pasar Bogor; you can imagine the crowd -_-“).

So, on the way there, there are a few mascots that walked around. Some are cute but some are downright creepy.

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What are you? Pooh, Mickey and Ipin?

When I arrived, it was noon and my stomach was rumbling. I have no choice but to find something to eat (this is a total excuse; I will find food first no matter what). There is this restaurant that my mom loves. She has been eating there ever since she moved from Malang to Bogor and dang! I understand why she loves it so much.

One of my fav food is fried rice. I literally eat fried rice wherever I go (be gone lactose intolerance) and of course I ordered a plate of fried rice. Man, it tastes so good! The price makes the taste even better! A huge portion of fried rice and a few shrimps for only Rp 20k (>$3); heck where can you find such a delicious-but-cheap fried rice? Do tell me if you know one 😉

Don’t wanna talk (or write) too long, here are some photos~

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The resto

(Below are Es Campur, Ayam Goreng, Nasi Goreng, Es Teh Manis. My fav foods! <3)


Stalls(?) around Chinatown


They sell antique cameras, fireworks, fruits, fritters, remotes, knives, fishes and a lot more ‘useful’ things.

After fueling up the fuels, I went to Pasar Bogor to buy some souvenirs aka wooden bracelets. I’ve been looking for the bracelet all over the place and my aunt told me that they sell it there.

I went there and became overly excited. They have lots of junk foods sold in bulks, accessories sold in bulks (I swear my country love to sell things in a bulk), adorable looking sewing stuff shop, oh and not to mention a lot of ‘dead’ animal bodies all over the place. *note the sarcasm*


As Allya is a jerk, she became moody after getting what she wants. While waiting for her grandma to stop shopping (for dead animals), she dragged her uncle and cousin outside to snapped some pictures; of her of course~

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Kebun Raya~~~
A panda between 2 lions
The big red gate

Well, I guess that is all about this place~ And they sell this delicious green tea (which I forgot to buy in bulks TT^TT) that they say it is good for your body. I maintained my weight thanks to this tea. Hmmm, if I didn’t drink it, I’ll probably be 80 kg or something xD

P.S. The Chinatown’s name is Suryakencana.


A Day at PD Hasan; Fabric Shopping

Somehow all the pictures in this post kinda vanished so yeah… It’s a very boring post.

A few days ago, I went to PD Hasan with my grandma.

What in the world is PD Hasan?

Well, PD Hasan is a place where you can buy fabrics at a very cheap price. Like freaking cheap man! I spent all of my monthly allowance there and is now left with just a few bucks TT^TT

That’s that. Before going to PD Hasan, my grandma and I went to this ATM to redraw some money because my grandma knew that this adorable granddaughter of hers shops like a mad man.

After that we went to Baby House; a place where they sell affordable cute baby products

Then we went to PD Hasan~

We went there by taking that thing called Angkot which is one of my fav public transportation here in Indonesia. While everyone dah bosan riding that thing, I am still jakun. I feel giddy every time I ride it xD

During our ride there, this one pengamen (or illegal street musicians) naik. As usual, I ignore them (cruel, I know) but when he started singing BAM! He sounded like Al Ghazali, no! Even better than him! I didn’t know what song it was but I’m pretty sure that it was Al’s song as I’ve heard it somewhere before.

I’ve always had my iPad in my hand during each Angkot ride but that day, I was too lazy to hold it and I can’t believe I lost such a great opportunity to record such a great singing! For the first time ever, I paid a pengamen xD

PD Hasan is inside this village and we have to walk a bit to reach it. When we arrived at the ‘gate’, there were lots of foods!

That thing was RP5k je and it was freaking delicious!!! The weather was hot and it was just perfect!

Those are the fabrics. I was roaming around like a crazy person looking at those fabrics. They’re cheap like cheap CHEAP!!! But after 30 min of running and touching and feeling those things, I was beat -_-“

Waiting for my grandma was tiring. She’s 60ish but she sure can shop! I bought this adorable Batik-ish fabric since I was planning on making some clothes for my friends (until this moment, I still laze around~) and I also bought some fabrics for my teachers; as souvenirs and thank you gift 😉

Lepas shopping duduk sini, minum air kelapa~

Next, we went to this Gado-gado place near the PD Hasan.

The orange juice was amaaaaaaziiiing!!!!!! After drinking some coconuts, drinking it was pure heaven ❤

Practically this trip was about me eating foods around xD Oh and yeah, buying some kain xD

When I went home, I slept awaaaaaay!!!

I just spent RP20k for the foods but as for the other expenses. Tehehehe~~~ Only God knows~
