Me, Myself and I


Truly everyone is discrete. The devil; having attitudes like scheisse but an angel they are if politeness is their forte. -TGMochaMocha

The name is Allya Muchaerany. Pronounce as Mu-HAI-Rani not Mu-CAE-Rani, Macaroni or so on.

A first-born who is spoiled-rotten (in a cute way, of course).

She is a college student at this one university.

What is she studying? I have no freaking idea.

An adorable girl with a cheery and cheeky attitude but can be a slayer if you insult her country, family and friends. Oh, and did I mention her OTPs?

She’s been writing since 2007 but is an avid one since 2011.

Last but not least, a proud Indonesian with a great sense of patriotism who has been living in Malaysia since 2005.

Do visit my old blog! mocha2house 1.0